May 13, 2015

Community Open Air Meeting on Trail Design - Monday May 18th at 4:30pm Beacon St

You may have heard that the design for the Walter Haas - Beacon St Trail was approved at the Capital Committee of the Rec & Park Commission on May 6th.

Following voiced and written complaints to Lisa Wayne that the community was not notified with sufficient advanced notice and there are significant trail design elements that differ from the December 10th consensus criteria, Lisa Wayne has offered an 'Open Air' Meeting next Monday evening:

Dear Interested Stakeholders and Neighbors,

Thank you for all your participation in developing the concept plan for the Walter Haas Connector Trail. San Francisco Recreation and Park Department would like to invite you to attend an open air Open House on Monday May 18th 4:30 to 7pm to review the proposed concept plan. The meeting will be held on site and participants are welcome to come by whenever is convenient during this time. At the open house, you will be able to see proposed path of the trail directly staked out on the site, understand the elements of the proposed plan in context, and provide any final input you have before the plan goes to the full Recreation and Parks Department Commission.
Staff will be stationed on Beacon Street across from Billy Goat Hill from 4:30 to 7:00. If you are not able to attend, please feel free to send any comments on the plan to me. Thanks and hope to see you there. Lisa
Lisa Wayne
Open Space Manager

To our knowledge, there has been little to no discussion with the neighbors and stakeholders beyond the neighbors adjacent to the trail. Based only on the Rec & Park presentation materials, there appears to surprising design elements that do not meet the consensus agreement. Examples where the proposal does not meet the consensus criteria:

1) Earthen trail winding to follow topography with entry stairs at top and bottom
2) Lessen impact to site
3) Lessen potential for erosion
4) Follow land like the current trail
5) Use no more steps than necessary
6) Minimize tree removal

If you are interested in learning more and voicing your input on the trail design, please join this meeting and/or send a note to Lisa Wayne or the Rec & Park Commission.

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